The #1 Membership to Change Your LifeĀ 

We help you shift your identity to help you become the person to have everything you desire


Create the Life You Have Always Dreamed Of

At the heart of yourĀ identity is your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind holds deep-seated beliefs and patterns formed from past experiences, often operating below our conscious awareness. Itā€™s a powerful force that can either propel you towards your goals or hold you back, depending on the beliefs it holds.

Many of us live our lives with an identity that limits us, filled with negative beliefs and fears. These beliefs create a vibration or frequency that attracts similar energies into our lives.

Inside You Will Learn...

How to regulate your nervous system

How to reprogram your subconscious mind

How to manifest the right way (it's more than journaling and vision boards)

How to shift your identity to actually create your new reality

How to map out your new identity to become aligned with the new version of you

You are the creator

Using the same method inside the Maniscripting Journal, you can match up the questions to the journal.

Unblock your abundance

Abundance is your birthright; use this step-by-step process to release money blocks and start manifesting money.

Attract the one

Seeking love? We are our biggest block when it comes to manifesting the one. Learn our proven method to manifest your partner.

Release and heal

Disease in the body is our body telling us we are in dis-ease. By understanding mindset and energetics you will heal

Purpose and income

When you tap into your purpose and start living in alignment, your purpose will become your income, and it will be limitless.

Become unfuc*able with

Cultivate a strong sense of self-worth that does not rely on external validation but is anchored in your own values.

Reprogram while you sleep

One of the simplest ways to reprogram your subconscious mind is while you sleep. Our sleep tracks will help get you there.

The biggest blocker

If you're not regulating your nervous system, you'll have difficulty changing your reality. Inside, we have different modalities to help.

Harness the power within

Everything in our reality is made of energy, your energy is either attracting or blocking the things that you want to manifest.

From Rock Bottom $50k+ Debt toĀ $1Million in One Year

Hi, I'm Samantha Kozuch, the creator of LTA Academy. My wake-up call to change my life happened when I hit my ultimate rock bottom in my mid-20s (that was 10 years ago...). I was sick and tired of my debt, attracting the loser douchebag guys, treating my body like crap, and acting as if my sh!t don't stink... even though if anybody lifted the lid... they would really smell it.

I was tired of struggling with moneyā€”I could make it, but by the end of the month, I'd overspent it (hello credit card debt).

I was so tired of attracting non-commital men - (oh.... it was me... and my self-worth - I was the problem!).

I was so tired of yo-yoing up and down with my weight - PS I was a fitness model, but the second I didn't have a contracted shoot, the pounds came on, along with getting sick - my immune system was a mess!

I was so tired of hustling and working literally 24/7 with a work hard, play hard mentality - I thought if I didn't work, I wouldn't make money...

I was tired of wearing a mask, pretending everything was great in my life and that I was happyā€”but it was all further from the truth when I laid my head down at night to sleep.

I was sad, lonely, like a fraud, broke, and waiting for Prince Charming to save me like in the Disney movies.

Then, I hit my ultimate rock bottom. I got arrested.

Enough was enough. I dove headfirst into googling "how to change my life," and the rest is well... not history... but you'll learn it all inside LTA Academy.

This is the same method thatĀ helped me make over a million last year in my business (and no, it was not from selling this course, like other coaches out there!), manifest my dream husband, our beautiful lakefront home in Texas, my health after illness/broken bones, first-class flight upgrades on repeat, unexpected gifts and income, and so much more!

If you've tried manifesting, journaling, creating vision boards, or even resorted to doing magic money rituals and wearing crystals in your bra... or maybe you're just getting started... and want a no-nonsense approach with tangible steps to becoming the woman (or man) that you desire and dream to beā€”that has everything you desireā€”then this Academy is for you.

I'll see you inside! xoxo

Samantha KozuchĀ Ā 

LTA Member ResultsĀ & Success Stories

Self-awareness is the foundation of self-mastery & manifestation!

By understanding where you are right now, you can chart a clear path to where you want to be. Your current identity is not fixed.Ā It can be reshaped to align with your highest potential. By learning, understanding, and intentionally shifting these elements, as we teach inside LTA Academy, you can manifest the life you truly desire!

What is included with your membership:

šŸŒŸ Access to the full library of videos to help you transform your life and manifest your desiresĀ ($$$$ thousands in value)
šŸŒŸ 2 x Live Monthly Coaching Q&A Call ($1000 value)
šŸŒŸ Guided MeditationsĀ ($300 value)
šŸŒŸ Sleep TracksĀ ($100 value)
šŸŒŸ Nervous System Regulation Tutorial VideosĀ ($2000 value)
šŸŒŸ Tutorials, Activations, and other manifestation and life transformation support videosĀ ($$$ thousands in value)
šŸŒŸ Access to LTAA members-only community with direct coaching from SamanthaĀ (priceless!!!!)
šŸŒŸ PLUS, New videos, tutorials, activations, and/or meditations will be added monthly!Ā (thousands of dollars in value-added every month!)
TOTAL LTA VALUE: $3,000+ ... thousands of dollars!

Vision boards and journaling alone won't get you your dream life....

You must go deeper with identity shift workĀ to make lasting change!


What LTA Members Are Saying...

Where Science Meets Psychology

LTA Academy is based on neuroplasticity,Ā the brain's ability to build new neural pathways, which plays a crucial role in manifestation. Identifying limiting beliefs, nervous system regulation, visualizations, positive affirmations, physical actions, and practice create new neural pathways, enhancing the manifestation process. The energy of our thoughts and emotions interacts with the energy of the universe, shaping the reality we experience.

Investment Options:

Try LTA Risk Free

$45 per month

Beginner friendly

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Committed to Change

$115 for 3 months

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Full Access to LTA Academy, including unlimited access to full library of modules, community, and coaching with Samantha


I'm All In

$432 for 12 months

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Full Access to LTA Academy, including unlimited access to full library of modules, community, and coaching with Samanth


Imagine waking up every day to the life you've always dreamed of.

Ā You are the creator of your reality; learn how to shift your identity to manifest your desires.

A LookĀ Inside LTA Academy...

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Nothing Changes Unless You Change

You can wait around for your external environment or external factors to change, but *spoiler alert* nothing changes in our reality until we change what is going on in our minds.Ā